Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bowling on the 27th

The hubs and I got to go bowling in late January!  We finally got into a fairly good routine with bowling, again, and we didn't suck nearly as much as we had in recent weeks.  This post will be fairly image-heavy, since the scores pretty much tell you how our trip to the lanes was.

But you should also note... We got a new fancy camera!  I used some Christmas money that my grandmother gave us (we were fiscally responsible with almost all of it; and then we divided up a little bit so each of us could have some spending/play money!) and ordered a new camera!  It's awesome!  I haven't really played with it that much, but you'll see that we used the "no flash" setting in order not to distract the other while we were bowling.  This means that some of the photos are out of focus, at least in the foreground.  But it's all about the pin action!

Bowling JRW

Jared bowling

Pins JRW

Pin Action!

Bowling ASW

Me bowling

Pins ASW

More pin action!

Game 1

We have a rule... The first game never counts.

Game 2

Game 2

Game 3

Game 3

Game 4

Game 4

Overall, I was pretty consistent.  I got tired in the last game, as you can see.  But we had a really good time bowling!  And my new camera takes way better pictures than my iPhone!

Hopefully, we'll be able to go this week, even though we missed last week.

My next post will likely be on our nursery furniture!  It came in this past weekend, but we haven't quite got the nursery set up... We are having some electrical difficulties in the nursery and upstairs hallway; hopefully this will be remedied this week!  Once we get everything set, I'll post!


  1. I owe you an email and a phone call but can comment to at least let you know I am thinking about you! I love that you got a new camera - you will love it! I can't wait to see the nursery!!

    1. Leanne, you "owe" me nothing. You are a busy new mama! I'd love to catch up with you soon, of course, but you don't owe me a thing! I can't wait to take pictures of the nursery and post them so that all of our family who's not nearby can see it!

  2. I would just like you to know that, contrary to how you probably feel, you do not look the least bit pregnant from behind while bowling. Just sayin!

    Can't wait to see you next weekend!!

    1. Skye, you're too sweet to me. I feel like I look huge! But not pregnant huge, which I think is better than regular huge. Oh well, I'll get my pregnancy weight off soon enough. I am super excited about getting to spend time with you next weekend, too!!!
